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Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON

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Message  Duncan OXBURRY Mer 18 Mai 2011 - 10:57

Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON 18702_11

A Brief History of the Texas Rangers
by Mike Cox with updates by the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum Staff
"They were men who could not be stampeded."
That's the way the late Col. Homer Garrison, Jr., long-time director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, once described the men who have worn the silver silver or gold star of the Texas Rangers, the oldest state law enforcement agency in North Americ.
The Rangers have a heritage that began with the earliest settlements in Texas. They have been compared to other world-famous law enforcement agencies, the FBI, Scotland Yard, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Scores of books, from well-researched works of nonfiction to Wild West pulp novels to best-selling works of fiction, have been written about the Rangers. And numerous movies, radio shows and television shows have been inspired by the Rangers over the years.
The Rangers are part of the history of the Old West, and part of its mythology. Over the years, a distinct Ranger tradition has evolved. As former Ranger Capt. Bob Crowder once put it,"
A Ranger is an officer who is able to handle any given situation without definite instructions from his commanding officer, or higher authority. This ability must be proven before a man becomes a Ranger."
Hear Austin's Call for the First Texas Rangers

Stephen F. Austin assumed his late father's contract as empresario, or developer of settlements in the Mexican province of Tejas. He was authorized to recruit settlers from the U.S. and Europe who would be given land if, among other conditions, they agreed to become Mexican citizens, adopt the Catholic religion and learn to speak Spanish. Austin was to be rewarded for his services with land, titles and military powers over the colony. His colony, and those proposed by other empresarios, would serve to reinforce Mexico's claim to Texas and act as a buffer between the hostile Comanche Indians and Hispanic settlements at San Antonio de Bexar and Laredo.
By 1823, there were serious problems with raids by the Comanche, Tonkawa and Karankawa Indians. Under Mexican law, Austin was authorized to form a militia to ward off Indian raids, capture criminals and patrol against intruders. In May, while Austin was in Mexico City, his lieutenant, Moses Morrison, used this authority to assemble a company of men to protect the Texas coast from the Tonkawa and Karankawa Indians.
After returning to Texas in August of 1823, Austin asked for additional ten men to supplement Morrison's company. He called for "ten act as rangers for the common defense...The wages I will give said ten men is fifteen dollars a month payable in property." These two companies are regarded as the first ancestors of the modern Texas Rangers.
The term "Texas Ranger" did not appear officially in a piece of legislation until 1874. During Austin's day, companies of men volunteered and disbanded as needed. Some served for days and others for many months. The official records show that these companies were called by many names: ranging companies, mounted gunmen, mounted volunteers, minutemen, spies, scouts and mounted rifle companies. When communicating with the commanders of his Hispanic ranging companies, Austin, who was fluent in Spanish, called them the milicia nacional (national militia) after Spanish and Mexican militia regulations dating back to 1713. By whatever name they were known, these units performed the same ranging service.
Initially, several companies fought on foot and employed fifers and drummers in the European and Colonial American military tradition. When this proved ineffective against mounted Indians, they quickly adopted frontier horseback tactics. They became so effective against Indian guerrilla raids that they strongly influenced the formation of the U.S. and C.S.A. cavalries during the Civil War.
Early Rangers were required to provide their own horses and equipment. They fought battles in which they were often outnumbered by as much as 50-to-1, so it was common for each man to carry multiple pistols, rifles and knives.
Like Texas, the early Texas Ranger had multicultural roots. Company rolls show that Anglos, Hispanics and American Indians served in all ranks from private to captain. These men freely borrowed from each others' experience and equipment. While most had been born in the American South, many hailed from Ireland, Germany, Scotland and England and spoke with their native accents. Early Rangers shot Spanish pistols, Tennessee and Kentucky rifles, carried Bowie knifes made in Sheffield England and rode swift Mexican ponies. One writer said that a Texas Ranger could "ride like a Mexican, trail like an Indian, shoot like a Tennesseean, and fight like the devil."

Texas Rangers often served as unintended volunteers since government offers of payment rarely materialized. In 1835, as the movement for Texas independence was about to boil over, a council of colonial Texas representatives created a "Corps of Rangers" to protect the frontier from hostile Indians. For the first time, their pay was officially set at $1.25 a day and they were to elect their own officers. They were also required to furnish their own arms, mounts, and equipment. The corps was commanded by R.M. "three-legged" Williamson (so nicknamed because he had a wooden leg to support a crippled limb) and led by Captains William Arrington, Issac Burleson and John J. Tumlinson.
Settlers rebelled against the Mexican government in 1836 over violations of their rights and the suspension of immigration from the U.S and Europe. The Texas Rangers played an important but little known role in this conflict. They covered the retreat of civilians from dictator Santa Ana's army in the famous "Runaway Scrape," harassed columns of Mexican troops and provided valuable intelligence to the Texas Army. The only men to ride in response to Col. William B. Travis' last minute plea to defend the Alamo were Rangers who fought, and died, in the cause of Texas freedom.

Certainly one of the most famous early-day Texas Rangers was John Coffee "Jack" Hays. He came to San Antonio in 1837 and within three years was named a Ranger captain. Hays built a reputation fighting marauding Indians and Mexican bandits. An Indian who switched sides and rode with Hays and his men called the young Ranger captain "brave too much". Hays' bravado was too much for many a hostile Indian or outlaw. In dealing with persons deemed a threat to Texas, Hays helped establish another Ranger tradition--toughness mixed with a reliance on the latest in technology.

The Republic of Texas was one of the earliest customers of a New England gun maker, Samuel Colt. Colt had invented a fragile .36 caliber five-shot revolver, a weapon Hays and his men used with deadly effect in defense of the Texas frontier. No longer would his men have to pause in battle to reload single-shot pistols and rifles while the Indians continued firing arrows. Colt built his reputation on the use of his weapons by the Texas Rangers. One of Hays' men, Samuel H. Walker, made some suggestions for improving the pistol that Colt adopted during the Mexican War. The new weapon, the five-pound frontier equivalent of a nuclear bomb, was called the Walker Colt.

In 1842, Walker and another former Ranger, Big Foot Wallace, took part in the ill-fated Mier Expedition, in which a group of Texans invaded Mexico. The Texans were captured and every tenth man was ordered executed. The fate of the prisoners was determined in a drawing. Those who drew white beans lived; a black bean meant death. Walker drew a white bean. So did Wallace
In 1846, within a year of Texas' admission as the 28th state of the Union, the United States and Mexico were at war. Walker joined one of several Ranger companies that were mustered into federal service to function as scouts. The Rangers fought with such ferocity in the war they came to be called "Los diablos Tejanos" -- the Texas Devils. The luck Walker had after Mier did not hold. He was killed in the fighting. For the next decade after the Mexican War, the Rangers existed primarily as volunteer companies, raised when the need arose and disbanded when their work was done.

Messages : 1343
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2011
Age : 82
Localisation : Ile de France -Val de Marne

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Message  TEX TONE Dim 26 Fév 2012 - 23:11

Duncan , je passe régulièrement voir ce sujet pour admirer la photo de ce coffret , j'ai pas posé la question mais si il est à toi je veux absolument passer te voir pour admirer la chose , sinon t"as une idée du prix de ce coffret d'époque . Il me semble que certain paterson se vendent plus que les walker .

entre 60000 et 200000$ non !!!



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 Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Tex
Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON 3113 COLT 1836 PATERSON Bannie11

Messages : 2696
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2011
Age : 70
Localisation : Savoie Libre

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Message  TEX TONE Dim 26 Fév 2012 - 23:15

En voici un court qui a été restauré vendu aux enchères 45000$
bel objet de collection .

Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Dsc00010


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 Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Tex
Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON 3113 COLT 1836 PATERSON Bannie11

Messages : 2696
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2011
Age : 70
Localisation : Savoie Libre

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Message  Duncan OXBURRY Lun 27 Fév 2012 - 8:17

Hélas non, ce coffret n'est pas à moi ! C'est, en effet, une merveille (c'est un peu pour ça que je l'ai mis)
Je l'avais déposé sur le site avec l'article traduit, afin d'illustré les propos.
Je n'ai qu'une paire de Paterson (reproduction des année 70) dont l'un a les fameuses cheminées de type "époque" le tout présenté en coffret avec outils (2) et poire (1) et amorceur (1 de type US mais année 70 aussi et non gravé, j'avais trouvé un site américain qui semblait en refaire mais je n'ai jamais pu renter en contact avec !)
Curieusement on trouve plus facilement des Paterson d'époque en bon état que des Walker ou des Dragoon.
Il y a eut une déclinaison extraordinaire des modèles Paterson, cette arme mériterait à elle seule une étude approfondie (qui existe en anglais)
Si quelqu'un avait le courage de traduire les nombreux articles et d'en faire une synthèse .....

Messages : 1343
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2011
Age : 82
Localisation : Ile de France -Val de Marne

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Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Empty Re: Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON

Message  TEX TONE Lun 27 Fév 2012 - 9:45

bonjour Duncan , le fait qu'on trouve plus de paterson en état que de walker ou dragoon doit venir du fait que le paterson ne devait pas être tres pratique à utiliser ni à démonter donc les collectionneurs et utilisateurs de 1850 à nos jours on souvent du laisser les patersons dans les boites .
J'avais chercher dans les ventes au enchères célèbres et c'est les paterson les plus cotés contrairement à ce que je pensais , les walker étant justement moins courrant en vente peut être à cause de leur mauvais état , tres rarement en coffret ce qui fait que la cote du paterson dépasse le walker même si leur nombre à été trois fois supérieur en production . Et il n'existe pas en 2eme génération , un modèle a été fait en 3eme génération gravé à un prix énorme .( page 77 de l'ouvrage " colt black powder reproduction et replicas -collector's & shooter's guide " paterson N°5 avec le levier de chargement , le modèle que j'aimerais voir en vrai.

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 Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Tex
Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON 3113 COLT 1836 PATERSON Bannie11

Messages : 2696
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2011
Age : 70
Localisation : Savoie Libre

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Message  Dan Wesson Jeu 28 Mar 2013 - 8:52

Bonjour Tex, grâce à Redsilver, j'ai pu connaître ce site et constater qu'il y a bien eu des Paterson 3rd gen fabriqués, celui que tu mentionnes, gravé et bronzé "Royal Colt" (et qui est devenu mien), et un mle non gravé.
Le n°129 présenté sur le site n'est pas mentionné comme vendu, alors qu'il est chez moi, peut-être que le mle non gravé est dispo...?
Dan Wesson
Dan Wesson

Messages : 1944
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2012
Age : 73
Localisation : Derrière la Roche de Solutré

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Message  Duncan OXBURRY Jeu 28 Mar 2013 - 11:14

C'est le serveur qui parle "petit-nègre" ou j'ai abusé du chouchen ?

PS : La recette
Faites bouillir l'eau dans une casserole d'environ 8 litres, cela fait disparaître une bonne partie des goûts liés au calcaire, chlore etc... Diluez votre miel dans l'eau et portez à ébullition doucement tout en mélangeant. Écumez la mousse qui se formera à la surface avec une écumoire. (La mousse contient les impuretés du miel). Laissez refroidir, en couvrant avec le couvercle de la casserole.
Pendant le refroidissement, préparez vos levures. Prenez 25 cl de jus de pomme et diluez-y les levures. Une mousse devrait s'y former assez rapidement (environ 5 à 10 minutes) c'est le bon signe que vos levures commencent à se nourrir et à se reproduire... (si ce n'est pas le cas recommencez avec un autre sachet de levure).
Une fois le mélange eau/miel refroidi...(environ 25°C maximum) versez-le dans une bonbonne avec le jus des citrons et ajoutez ensuite les levures...
Bouchez la bonbonne en prenant soin de ne pas la boucher hermétiquement. Il s'agit de permettre au dioxyde de carbone de la fermentation de se libérer tout en empêchant les "indésirables" de rentrer.
Laissez la bonbonne dans un endroit à température ambiante (environs 20°C). La fermentation durera quelques 3 mois. Vous saurez que celle-ci est terminée quand il n'y aura plus de dioxyde de carbone qui se dégagera.
Il faut soutirer l'hydromel à ce moment sans remuer les dépôts qui se seront formés. On replace l'hydromel dans une bonbonne propre et on attend encore 3 mois.
Ensuite on renouvelle l'opération et on peut mettre en bouteilles.
Laissez vieillir encore 3 mois et dégustez.

Messages : 1343
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2011
Age : 82
Localisation : Ile de France -Val de Marne

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Message  TEX TONE Sam 29 Oct 2016 - 8:53

Je remonte ce sujet  car  j'aime beaucoup le Paterson et j'aimerai savoir  quelles étaient les longueurs de canon des paterson  en pouce ou en centimètres ayant existées à l'époque ..

Dan je crois que tu as un court , pourrais-tu me donner la longueur pil poil de ton canon , et l'emplacement du guidon , j'ai l'intention de faire raccourcir un des miens pour le mettre dans mon joli coffret fait pour çà , plus facile que d'attendre d'en trouver un court .


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 Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Tex
Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON 3113 COLT 1836 PATERSON Bannie11

Messages : 2696
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2011
Age : 70
Localisation : Savoie Libre

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Message  Duncan OXBURRY Sam 29 Oct 2016 - 10:30

Voici un tableau récapitulatif de tous les Paterson produits par Colt (et autre) avec les calibres et les longueurs de canons. Nos répliques seraient un mixte du N°5 (comme Chanel).
Si cela peut éclairer sur la première arme Colt, j'ai fait mon devoir !

Colt Patterson New Jersey 1836 à 1842

Contract for
1838, purchased in Florida by Major General Thomas Jessup (Seminole Indian War) 50 No. 1 Ring Lever Revolving Rifles
25 No. 3 Belt Model Revolvers
1839, U.S. Ordnance Department 100 Model 1839 Revolving Carbines
1839, Republic of Texas about 100 Ring Lever Revolving Rifles
about 180 Model 1839 Revolving Carbines
about 180 No. 5 Holster Model or Texas Paterson Revolvers
March 1841, U.S. Ordnance Department 60 Model 1839 Revolving Carbines
Julyh 1841, U.S. Ordnance Department 100 Model 1839 Revolving Carbines
December 1841, U.S. Navy Department (sales by Ehlers) 100 No. 5 Holster Model or Texas Paterson Revolvers
100 Model 1839 Revolving Carbines
August 1845, U.S. Navy Department (sales by Ehlers) 50 No. 5 Holster Model or Texas Paterson Revolvers
1839, Republic of Texas about 100 Ring Lever Revolving Rifles
about 180 Model 1839 Revolving Carbines
about 180 No. 5 Holster Model or Texas Paterson Revolvers

Handguns :

Paterson prototype of 1835, left side Pocket Model No. 1, Baby Paterson Revolver

- .28 caliber percussion, 5 shot single action Pocket Model No. 1 "Baby Paterson"
Barrel lengths was from 2 1/2" to 4 3/4".
Serial numbers from 1 to about 500
Manufactured in 1837 and 1838
Cylinder engraved with the Centaur scene
Weight = 11 ounces (4" barrel)
Markings on barrel
- Patent Arms M'g Co Paterson NJ Colt's Pt. -

- .28 caliber percussion, 5 shot single action Pocket Model No. 1 "Baby Paterson"
- .28 caliber, 2" barrel
- .28 caliber, 2 9/16" barrel, left side right side in case
- .28 caliber, 4" barrel

No. 2 Belt Model Revolvers

- .31 caliber percussion (some appear to be .34 caliber), 5 shot single action
Barrel lengths was from 3" to 6", no loading lever
Serial numbers from 1 to about 850 in sequence with the No. 3 Paterson or Belt Model Revolvers. Probably 400 produced
Manufactured from 1837 to 1840
Cylinder engraved with the Centaur scene
Weight = 20 ounces (.34 caliber, 4 1/2" barrel)
Markings on barrel
- Patent Arms M'g Co Paterson NJ Colt's Pt. -

- .31 caliber, 4 1/2" barrel, cased, left side
- .31 caliber, 4 1/2" barrel, left side
- .31 caliber, 5" barrel, left side
- .31 caliber, 5" barrel, cased, left side

No. 3 Belt Model Revolvers

- .31 caliber percussion (some appear to be .34 caliber), 5 shot single action
Barrel lengths was 3", 4 1/2", 4 3/4" and 5 1/2" extra long barrels about 12" are known, some pistols were manufactured with loading lever
Serial numbers from 1 to about 850 in sequence with the No. 2 Paterson or Belt Model Revolvers. Probably 450 produced
Manufactured from 1837 to 1840
Cylinder engraved with the Centaur scene
Weight = 20 ounces (4 7/8" barrel and without lever)
Markings on barrel
- Patent Arms M'g Co Paterson NJ Colt's Pt. -

- .31 caliber, 4 1/2" barrel, left side
- .31 caliber, 5" barrel, cased, right side
- .31 caliber, 5 1/2" barrel, early 1837 production, left side
same, right side
- .34 caliber, 5 1/2" barrel, cased, right side
- .34 caliber, 5 1/2" barrel, right side
- .34 caliber, engraved, right side

No. 5 Holster or Texas Model Revolver

- .36 caliber percussion , 5 shot single action
Barrel lengths was 4", 5", 6", 7 1/2", 9" and 12", some pistols were manufactured with loading lever
Serial numbers from 1 to about 1000 Probably 1000 produced
Manufactured from 1838 to 1840
Cylinder engraved with the Stagecoach Holdup scene
Weight = 2 pounds, 8 ounces (7 1/2" barrel and without lever) or
Weight = 2 pounds, 10 ounces (7 1/2" barrel and with lever)
Markings on barrel
- Patent Arms M'g Co Paterson NJ Colt's Pt. -

- .34 caliber, 6 1/2inch, left side
- .34 caliber, Texas Paterson with holster
- .36 caliber, 9", right side

Ehlers Model Revolvers

John Ehlers aquired the stock of Colt's Company (about 500 incomplete revolvers and about 150 incomplete rifles). He finished these armes and sold these arms until about 1846.

4th Model Ehlers Pocket Revolver of Improved No. 1 Pocket Model Small Size Frame

- .28 caliber percussion , 5 shot single action
Barrel lengths was 2" ro 3"
Serial numbers from 1 to ? in alternate with the Fifth Model Ehlers Belt or Improved No. 2 Belt Model Probably 500 produced
Manufactured from 1840 to 1843
Cylinder engraved with the Centaur scene
Markings on barrel
- Patent Arms Paterson NJ Colt's Pt. -

- .28 caliber, 2 1/2" barrel, 4th model Ehlers or Improved Model No. 1, left side

5th Model Ehlers Belt Revolver of Improved No. 2 Belt Model Medium Size Frame

- .31 caliber percussion (some appear to be .34 caliber), 5 shot single action
Barrel lengths was from 3" to 4 1/2"
Serial numbers from 1 to ? in alternate with the Fifth Model Ehlers Pocket or Improved No. 1 Pocket Model Probably 500 produced
Manufactured from 1840 to 1843
Cylinder engraved with the Centaur scene
Markings on barrel
- Patent Arms Paterson NJ Colt's Pt. -

- .31 caliber, 4 1/2" barrel, 5th model Ehlers or Improved Model No. 2, right side
- .34 caliber, 4 1/2" barrel, 5th model Ehlers or Improved Model No. 2, right side

Longarms :

1st Model Ring Lever Rifles

.34, .36, .38, .40 and .44 caliber percussion, 8 or 10 shots single action
Barrel lengths was standard 32" but shorter length are known
Serial numbers from 1 to about 200 Probably 200 produced
Manufactured in 1837 and 1838
Cylinder engraved with the Centaur scene
Weight = 8 pounds, 8 ounces (30" barrel and with lever)
Markings on barrel
- Colt's Patent Patent Arms Man'g. Co. Paterson, N. Jersey -

2nd Model Ring Lever Rifles

.44 caliber percussion, 8 or 10 shots single action
Barrel lengths standard 28" and 32" but shorter length are known
Serial numbers from 1 to about 500 Probably 500 produced
Manufactured in 1837 to 1841
Cylinder engraved with the Centaur scene
Weight = 8 pounds, 6 ounces (32" barrel and with lever)
Markings on barrel
- Patent Arms M'g. Co. Paterson, N. J. - Colt's Pt. -

Model 1839 Carbine

.525 caliber smoothbore, 6 shots single action
Barrel lengths standard 24" but shorter or longer length are known
Serial numbers from 1 to about 950 Probably 950 produced
Manufactured in 1838 to 1841. The arms by Ehlers were sold from 1841 to 1845
Cylinder engraved with the Centaur scene
Weight = 7 pounds, 11 ounces for standard barrel and without loading lever
Markings on barrel
- Patent Arms M'g. Co. Paterson, N. J. - Colt's Pt. -

.525 caliber, 18" barrel, left side same, right side
.525 caliber, 24" barrel, left side same, right side

Model 1839 Shotgun

16 gauge smoothbore caliber, 6 shots single action
Barrel lengths standard 24" and 32" but longer length are known
Serial numbers from 1 to about 225 Probably 225 produced
Manufactured in 1839 to 1841
Cylinder engraved with the Deer, Indian, Eagle and Shield scene
Weight = 9 pounds, 4 ounces
Markings on barrel
- Patent Arms M'g. Co. Paterson, N. J. - Colt's Pt. -

Messages : 1343
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2011
Age : 82
Localisation : Ile de France -Val de Marne

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Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Empty Re : Coffret Colt 1836 Paterson

Message  Fortyniner Sam 29 Oct 2016 - 11:53

@  Duncan Oxburry  :  Eh ben, dis-donc, ça fait plaisir de te lire de nouveau sur notre Forum !!! bounce

Et pas pour une broutille : ton énumération ferait pâlir Samuel Colt lui-même !

A bientôt ! Porte-toi bien   Wink

Messages : 2881
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2013
Age : 74
Localisation : Aux confins de la Manche et du Calvados

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Message  Dan Wesson Sam 29 Oct 2016 - 12:27

Hello Duncan ! Content de te lire aujourd'hui ! J'espère que tout va bien de ton côté.
Hello tout le monde, petite pause avant la prochaine activité avec les quatre p'tiots...
Coucou Tex, je  dois prendre de nouvelles photos, Duncan vient de nous poster d'excellents renseignements concernant ces magnifiques Paterson (merci Dun), et tu as déjà beaucoup d'éléments pour satisfaire ta demande. A partir de lundi, se sera plus calme à la maison, je  ferai donc de nouvelles photos des guidons de mes deux mles, je prendrai des mesures et posterai tout ça.
Néanmoins, mes mles ont je crois la même longueur de canon, il y a un Uberti et un Colt.
Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON _dsc9310

Bonne fin de semaine à tous. Dan.
Dan Wesson
Dan Wesson

Messages : 1944
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2012
Age : 73
Localisation : Derrière la Roche de Solutré

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Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Empty Re: Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON

Message  TEX TONE Sam 29 Oct 2016 - 18:48

Nom di diou , ha oui çà fait plaisir de voir l'intervention de Duncan , j'avais demandé des dimensions , j'ai l'embarras du choix maintenant ..
Duncan rassures moi tu n'as pas tapé tout ce texte , tu as fait un copié collé , parce que si tu as tout tapé c'est presque une punition pour toi , à l'école on avait 100 lignes , mais là c'est 1000 lignes , quel courage , chapeau bas . , encore un grand grand grand merci


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 Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Tex
Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON 3113 COLT 1836 PATERSON Bannie11

Messages : 2696
Date d'inscription : 12/05/2011
Age : 70
Localisation : Savoie Libre

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Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Empty Re: Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON

Message  Marshal Carter Dim 30 Oct 2016 - 9:09

affraid  En effet Tex la publication de Ducan est époustouflante !!! Bravo Ducan ! Je sais pas pourquoi mais je me sens tout petit d'un coup !! Embarassed  
Si tu ne trouves pas ton bonheur là dedans !!! Tu n'as plus qu'a revendre ta collection et t'inscrire au ping pong !!! lol!
Mais je pense que ce ne sera pas le cas !

Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON 1079911222
Marshal Carter
Marshal Carter

Messages : 1071
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2016
Age : 75
Localisation : BZH Phare Ouest

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Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Empty Re: Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON

Message  Duncan OXBURRY Dim 30 Oct 2016 - 10:41

Bonjour à tous et merci de votre sympathique et amicale sollicitude. Tout baigne, bien que le temps avance inexorablement !
Comme vous le savez, j'ai un certain intérêt pour la firme Colt et je fouine pour glaner des infos. Ensuite je les engrange par type et catégorie; ça prend du temps, mais lorsque le besoin s'en fait sentir, c'est bien pratique de retrouver l'info que l'on cherche.
La seule difficulté, c'est que le forum n'accepte pas tout facilement, donc si ce n'est pas une recopie complète, il y a malgré tout du travail de présentation, pour que ce soit compréhensible pour tout un chacun, mais d'un autre coté c'est aussi un excellent moyen de revoir certains points qui ont échappés à une ancienne lecture.
Heureux d'avoir pu partager ces quelques connaissances.
Sans oublier que le Colt simple action à tiré son nom de la ville de Paterson ou il a été fabriqué à partir de 1836, pour la marine du Texas.
Et en complément sur ce formidable Paterson, dont certains exemplaires ont été convertis à cartouches métalliques, les n° de série !

Paterson Pocket or Baby Colts No. 1
Year : 1837-1838 Serial Number : 1-500

Belt Model Paterson No. 2 & 3
Year : 1838 - 1840 Serial Number : 1-850

Holster or Texas Paterson No.5
Year : 1838 - 1840 Serial Number : 1-1000

Ehlers Pistols 4 th & 5 th Model
Year : 1840-1843 Serial Number : 1-500


Messages : 1343
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2011
Age : 82
Localisation : Ile de France -Val de Marne

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Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Empty Re : Coffret Colt 1836 Paterson

Message  Fortyniner Dim 30 Oct 2016 - 11:54

@ Duncan : mille mercis pour ce partage de tes connaissances illimitées ! Wink

Messages : 2881
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2013
Age : 74
Localisation : Aux confins de la Manche et du Calvados

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Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Empty Re: Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON

Message  Marshal Carter Dim 30 Oct 2016 - 12:08

Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON 3284508091  Duncan  et Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON 2198497878  !!!
Je reste pantois devant tes connaissances et ton savoir concernant Colt !!!
Cela doit correspondre à quelques heures ...jours plus de recherches ! Mais en effet tellement utiles !

Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON 1079911222
Marshal Carter
Marshal Carter

Messages : 1071
Date d'inscription : 24/02/2016
Age : 75
Localisation : BZH Phare Ouest

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Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Empty Re: Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON

Message  Dan Wesson Mer 2 Nov 2016 - 18:03

Bonsoir Duncan et les autres, merci de tout ça, j'ai retrouvé sur l'un des bouquins de WILSON les productions des armes de poing et celles des armes d'épaule de Paterson, mais nous présenter l'ensemble avec tous les détails, chapeau !!
DW.  Very Happy
Dan Wesson
Dan Wesson

Messages : 1944
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2012
Age : 73
Localisation : Derrière la Roche de Solutré

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Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Empty Re: Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON

Message  Duncan OXBURRY Ven 4 Nov 2016 - 15:13

Arrêtez,  j'ai tellement les chevilles qui enflent que je n'arrive plus à enfiler mes santiags ! Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtdJ4cNlTNYrQ6WeoQ-aq5hws6Eza8pMeMnXPLRbVDe1iel-v-

Messages : 1343
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2011
Age : 82
Localisation : Ile de France -Val de Marne

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Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON Empty Re: Coffret COLT 1836 PATERSON

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